Charles Hutchison

Charles Hutchison
Dr. Charles B. Hutchison was born in Ghana and currently teaches at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. With formal education in the sciences and theology and having lived in Africa, Europe, and the U.S., he has worked as a molecular immunologist and as an educator in several educational contexts. He is the author of several books, his latest book being Experiences of Immigrant Professors (Routledge, 2016).
Dr. Hutchison is one of the seminal researchers on issues facing immigrant professors and K-12 teachers. He is the recipient of Recognition and Key to the City of Boston, and has served on national panels and as a journal editor. He has appeared on, or been featured by local and international news media, including CBS NightWatch, Voice of America, Boston Globe, Washington Post, and several others. His articles have appeared in several international journals. His research interests include cross-cultural (i.e., international and diversity) issues in education, science education, and philosophies at large. He can be reached at
Ph.D. – Georgia State University, 2001, Science Education
MA – Oklahoma Christian Univ. of Science and Arts, 2003. Ministry (Theology)
AITC – Study Fellowship – Biologiai Kozpont, Hungary, 1989, Immuno-Genetics
Dip.Ed. – University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 1986, Science Education
B.Sc. (Hons.) – University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 1986, Zoology/Botany
Diversity and Inclusion in Secondary Schools
Teaching Science in Secondary Schools
Diverse Learners
Readings in Urban Education
Research Interests/Areas of Expertise
Internationalization of education, diversity and globalization, multicultural education, philosophy of education
Community Involvement
Board of director of an international school
Editor of an international journal
Selected Publications
Selected Books
#Hutchison, C. B. (Ed.). (In Press). The fear of being different: The intangible price of prejudice and
misunderstanding. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
#Hutchison, C. B. (Ed.) (2016). Experiences of immigrant professors: Cross-cultural differences and challenges, and lessons for success. NY: Routledge.
#Hutchison, C. B. (2011). Understanding diverse learners: Theory and practice. Acton, MA:
Copley Custom Textbooks.
Hutchison, C. B. (2010) Tell me why I am who I am: Answering questions that never die
Harrisburg, NC: Harrisburg Printing.
#Hutchison, C. B. (Ed.). (2009). What happens when students are in the minority: Experiences that impact human performance. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Wiggan, G. & Hutchison, C. B. (Eds.). (2009). Global issues in education: Pedagogy, policy,
practice, and the minority experience. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Hutchison, C. B. (2005). Teaching in America: A cross-cultural guide for international teachers and their employers. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Selected Articles
Hutchison, C.B. (2016). Threading Methodology, Instrumentation, and Human Bodies as
Learning Instruments. Insights on Learning Disabilities, 13(2), 101-102.
Hutchison, C.B., Campbell-Whatley, G. & Wiggan, G. (2014). Disability by induction:
Academic under-performance when out of context. Insights on Learning Disabilities, 11(1), 1-8.
Hutchison, C. B., Wiggan, G. & Starker, T. (2014). Curriculum violence and its reverse:
The under-education of teachers in a pluralistic society and its implications for the education of minority students. Insights on Learning Disabilities, 11(1), 85-110.
Hutchison, C. B., & Padgett, B.L. (2007). How to create and use analogies in the teaching of
science concepts. Science Activities, 44(2), 69-72.
Hutchison, C. B. & Jazzar, M. (2007). Selecting, training, and evaluating teacher mentors for
international teachers in American schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 88(5), 368-373.
#Hutchison, C. B., Quach, L., & Wiggan, G. (2006). The interface of global migrations, ESL
teaching and learning, and academic cosmopolitan identity development. Forum on Public Policy Online, Fall 2006 Edition. Available at
#Hutchison, C. B., & Bailey, L. (2006). Cross-cultural perceptions of assessment of
international teachers in U. S. high schools. Cultural Studies in Science Education 1(4),
Tippins, D., Hammond, L. & Hutchison, C. B. (2006). International teachers negotiating
21st century science classrooms: A question of hybridized identities and pedagogical imaginaries. Cultural Studies in Science Education 1(4), 681-692.
Hutchison, C. B. (2006). Cultural constructivism: The confluence of multiculturalism, knowledge
creation, and teaching. Intercultural Teaching 17(3), 301-310.
# Hutchison, C. B. (2006). Cross-cultural issues arising for four science teachers during their
international migration to teach in U.S. high schools. School Science and Mathematics, 106(2), 74-83.
#Hutchison, C. B., Butler, M. B. & Fuller, S. (2005). Pedagogical communication issues
arising for four expatriate science teachers in American schools. Electronic Journal of
Science Education, Vol. 9, No. 3. Available at