More than ever, the teaching profession offers college graduates exciting opportunities and challenges. The undergraduate and graduate teacher education programs offered by the Department of Middle, Secondary, and K12 Education provide the first crucial step in career development for aspiring teachers in grades 6-9 (middle grades), 9-12 (secondary education) in the following content areas: Mathematics, Comprehensive Science, Social Studies, English Language Arts (ELA), and Career and Technical Education (CTE). In addition, the department offers programs for those interested in specialized content at the K-12 levels in Arts Education, Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), and Foreign Language (FLED).Additionally, we offer advanced study through various master’s degree programs in Curriculum & instruction and Urban Education, along with an innovative Ph.D. program in Curriculum and Instruction. Explore our programs below.
Featured Programs

Graduate Certificates
Career and Technical Education (6-12) | Plan of Study
Teaching English as a Second Language (K-12) | Plan of Study

Master of Education (M.Ed) Degrees
Curriculum and Instruction (Concentrations Available: Elementary Education, Middle Grades, Secondary Education, TESL, and Curriculum Leadership for Independent Schools)

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Degrees
Middle and Secondary Education (Math, Science, English Language Arts, Social Studies)
Career and Technical Education (CTE)