Joan Lachance

Joan Lachance
Dr. Joan Lachance is an Associate Professor of Education and serves as the Program Director of the undergraduate and graduate Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) programs at UNC Charlotte. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses focused on Second Language Acquisition and Authentic Assessment with English Learners. She also works closely with teacher candidates during internship semesters. Her research agenda focuses on dual language teacher preparation, academic language acquisition, and authentic assessment with current studies on dual language pedagogies, edTPA systems of support, as well as co-teaching and ESL teacher collaboration. She also have an extensive service agenda that includes connections with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Title III/ESL Department to support school districts’ language assistance programs. She is also an active member of AERA and the Bilingual Education Special Interest Group.
Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, 2010, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Urban Education: Literacy and Teaching English as a Second Language
M.Ed. School Counseling and Advisement, 1998, Pontifical Catholic University
B.S. Secondary Education and Modern Languages, 1993, Florida International University
Second Language Acquisition
Authentic Assessment with English Learners
Student Teaching Internship Supervision
TESL Methods (summer)
Research Interests/Areas of Expertise
Dual Language Teacher Preparation
Authentic Assessment with English Learners
Academic Language Development
Co-Teaching and Collaboration
Community Involvement
Active member of AERA, Bilingual Education SIG
NCDPI EL Support Team
edTPA National Scorer
Selected Publications
Lachance, J. (2017). Case studies of dual language teachers: Conceptualizations on the complexities of biliteracy for teacher preparation. NYS TESOL Journal, 4(2), 48-64.
Lachance, J. (2017). A case study of dual language program administrators: The teachers we need. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 12(1), 1-18.
Lachance, J. (2017). School counselors and English learners: Conceptualizations of beneficial knowledge and skills while facilitating individual student planning. Dialogues Journal of English Language Teaching and Research.1(1), 44-59.
Lachance, J. (2017) Portfolios and Teacher Evaluation. In J. Liontas (Ed). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 15. Wiley-Blackwell Press.
Lachance, J. (2016) Portfolios 2: TESL candidates’ transformed understandings of portfolio assessments with English learners through performance-based assessment. In D. Polly (Ed.), Evaluating Teacher Education Programs through Performance-Based Assessments. Hershey, PA. IGI Global.
Petty, T. , Heaftner, T., Lachance, J., & Polly, D. (2016). Supporting teacher education candidates through the edTPA process. In D. Polly (Ed.), Evaluating Teacher Education Programs through Performance-Based Assessments. Hershey, PA. IGI Global.
Lachance, J. (2015). Transformations to serve English learners: A call for innovative partnerships in educator preparation. The Journal of Teaching Effectiveness and Student Achievement. 2(1), 56-67.