Tina Heafner

Tina Heafner
Dr. Tina Heafner is Professor of Social Studies Education in the Department of Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her administrative responsibilities include Directing the M.Ed. in Secondary Education and the Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. Tina is the 2020-2021 Past-President of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and was the 2015-2016 Chair of the NCSS College and University Faculty Assembly (CUFA). Tina’s teaching and research focus on effective practices in social studies education with particular emphasis in online learning, technological integration, and disciplinary literacy. Her research also examines curriculum and policy issues in social studies education. She has devoted almost two decades to empirically documenting the marginalization of social studies in American schools and the association between instructional practices and student learning outcomes in K-12 social studies. Tina’s publications include seven co-authored books and five edited books including titles such as Beginning inquiry: Short texts for inexperienced readers in U.S. History, Seeds of inquiry: Using short texts to enhance students’ understanding of world history, and Exploring the Effectiveness of Online Education in K-12 Environments. She has published numerous articles in peer reviewed journals such as Teacher’s College Record, Educational Researcher, Kappa Delta Phi, Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, Teacher Education and Practice, Theory and Research in Social Education, Journal of Social Studies Research, The Social Studies, Social Education, Social Studies and the Young Learner, and Middle Level. When not reading and writing about social studies, you can find Tina running with her two Labradors Retrievers, Razzle Dazzle and Cinnamon, or cheering on her children, Laney and John Patrick, in soccer, basketball, and track.
Ph.D. — University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2002, Curriculum and Teaching, Specialization: K-12 Social Studies Education and Technology
M.A. –Wake Forest University, Master of Arts, 1999, Social Studies Education and History
B.A.– Wake Forest University, Bachelor of Arts, 1991, Social Studies Education, History and Mathematics
Instructional Design and the Use of Technology with Middle and Secondary Learners
Teaching Social Studies to Middle and Secondary Learners
Integrating Reading and Writing Across Content Areas
Models of Teaching
Issues in Social Studies and Primary Source Materials
Beyond the Textbook: Expanding Social Studies Content
Issues in 6-12 Social Studies Education
Historical Analysis and Authentic Curricular Applications of History
Teaching, Curriculum and Contemporary Students
Issues in Middle and Secondary Education
Middle and Secondary Social Studies Methods
Teaching, Curriculum and Contemporary Issues in Education
Planning for K-12 Instruction
Research and Analysis of K-12 Teaching
Historical Inquiry and Authentic Content in Social Studies
Advanced Methods in Middle and Secondary Social Studies
Primary and Secondary Source Analysis and Curriculum Development in Social Studies
Graduate Student Teaching and Internship
Seminar in Professional Development
Integrating Reading and Writing Across Content Areas
The Secondary School Experience
Independent Study in Secondary Social Studies
History of Urbanization and Its Impact on Schooling
Independent Study in Urban Education
Research Interests/Areas of Expertise
Social Studies Policy and Practice
Disciplinary Literacy in Social Studies
Online Learning
Technology-Mediated Learning
High Leverage Practices in Social Studies
Awards & Honors
2017, Nominated for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, M.Ed. in Middle Grades and Secondary Education
2016, America Education Research Association, Constructivist Special Interest Group (SIG), Outstanding Conference Submission Award
2016, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Outstanding Research Paper Award.
2015, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Cato College of Education Award for Sustained Service to Public Schools
2015, Nominated for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, The Cato College of Education Prospect for Success
2014, Surry County Sports Hall of Fame Inductee, Dobson, North Carolina
2013, America Education Research Association, Social Studies Education Special Interest Group (SIG), Outstanding Research Paper Award
2013, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Cato College of Education Excellence in Research Award
2012, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, National Technology Leadership Initiative (NTLI) Fellowship Award
2011, National Council for the Social Studies College and University Faculty Assembly, Technology Research Paper Award
2010, Edward C. Pomeroy Award. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Guest Editor.
2010, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Cato College of Education Excellence in Research Award
2010, International Conference on Online Learning, Nominated for the Outstanding Online Program.
2010, Campus Technology Innovators, Nominated for the Research and Program Implementation of Technology Recognition
2009, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Cato College of Education Excellence in Teaching Award
2008, North Forsyth High School, Athletic Hall of Fame, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
2007, America Education Research Association, Social Studies Education Special Interest Group (SIG), Outstanding Research Paper Award
2005, 2004, Nominated for College of Education Teaching Fellows Undergraduate Teaching Award
2004, “Moore’s Most Wanted” Undergraduate Teaching Recognition selected by Moore Hall Residents
1995-1996, North Forsyth High School, Teacher of the Year
1995, North Carolina Girls’ Indoor Track State Championship Team and Coach of the Year
1994, North Carolina Girls’ Indoor Track State Championship Team and Coach of the Year
1994, North Carolina Girls’ Outdoor Track State AAAA Championship Team and Coach of the Year
1996-1998, Metro 4A Conference Boys’ Cross Country and Outdoor Track Coach of the Year
1991-1998, Metro 4A Conference Girls’ Cross Country and Outdoor Track Coach of the Year
1988-1991, Wake Forest University, ACC Academic Honor Roll
1990-1991, Wake Forest University, Most Outstanding Female Athlete
1990-1991, Wake Forest University, MVP Outdoor Track
1990-1991, Wake Forest University, Most Improved Indoor Track
1991, 1990, Wake Forest University, Kimberley Luanane Sportsmanship Award
1990-1991, Wake Forest University, Team Captain, Indoor and Outdoor Track
1990-1991, Wake Forest University, Athletic Director’s Captains’ Council
1989-1990, Wake Forest University, Most Improved Outdoor Track
1987-1991, Wake Forest University, Four Year Letterman, Outdoor Track
1987-1991, Wake Forest University, Four Year Letterman, Indoor Track
Community Involvement
Tina is the Past President of the National Council for the Social Studies. She is also a Past Chair of the Executive Board of the College and University Faculty Assembly, the research organization of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). Tina served as the Director of the National Council for the Social Studies C3 Literacy Collaborative from 2014-2016. This project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, supported over fifty social studies educator teams across the national in their grassroots efforts to implement the NCSS College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework though online professional development. Tina has served on the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies and as president of the North Carolina Professors of Social Studies Education. Tina is actively involved in schools and maintained a longstanding Professional Development School Partnership for over a decade. She leads workshops on disciplinary literacy in social studies. She co-authored a Goodnight Foundation Grant with Union County Public Schools. She and colleagues lead community outreach cohorts in middle and secondary education in numerous counties, such as Iredell, Rowan, Stanly, and Union.
Selected Publications
Heafner, T. L., Handler, L., & Rock, T. (2020). The divide within: Intersections of realities, facts, theories, and practices. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Heafner, T. L., Hartshorne, R., Thripp, R. (2019). Handbook of research on emerging practice and methods for K-12 online and blended learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Cuenca, A., Benton, B., Castro, A. J., Heafner, T., Hostetler, A., & Thacker, E. (2018) National Standards for the Preparation of Social Studies Teachers. National Council for the Social Studies, Silver Springs, MD.
Heafner, T. L. (2020). The sky is not falling, but action is needed: A review of results of the 2018 NAEP 8th social studies assessments. Social Education, 84(3), 4-12.
Rochester, A., & Heafner, T. L. (2020). An African American and Latinx History of the United States. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue Journal, 22(1 & 2), 159-162.
Heafner, T. L. (2020). Agency, advocacy, activism: Action for social studies. Social Education, 84(1), 4-12.
Heafner, T. L. (2019). Advocacy for social studies: The need to respond to the updated NAEP schedule. Social Education, 83(3), 299-300.
Heafner, T. L., & Paska, L. (2019). The NCSS response to the updated NAEP schedule. Social Education, 83(3), 301-303.
Fitchett, P.G., & Heafner, T.L. (2019). A national perspective on the effects of high-stakes testing and standardization on elementary social studies marginalization. Theory and Research in Social Education Virtual Issue on Elementary Social Studies Education, 38(1), 114-130. Available: https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/utrs-elementary-school-studies/
Groce, E. C., Heafner, T. L., & Gregor, M. N. (2019). Jim Crow riding shotgun: Navigating racial discrimination in America. Middle Level Learning, 66, 13-18.
Hicks, A., Lippard, M., Riley, S., Saunders, B., Wooten, S.B., Jones, J., and Heafner, T. (2019).
Don’t just teach a growth mindset: Teach from one. National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform, 2, p. 14-21.
Petty, T., Good, A. J., & Heafner, T. L. (2019). A Retrospective View of the National Board Certification Process. The Education Forum, 83(2), 215-230, DOI: 10.1080/00131725.2019.1576245.
Heafner, T.L., & Massey, D. (2019). Situated word inquiry: Supporting inquiry, historical thinking, and language-rich environments through technology-mediated, contextualized word learning. The History Teacher, 52(3), 441-460.
Heafner, T. L., VanFossen, P., & Fitchett, P. G. (2019). Predictors of students’ achievement on NAEP-Economics: A multilevel model. Journal of Social Studies Research. Available https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssr.2019.01.003
Fitchett, P. G., & Heafner, T. L. (2018) Teacher quality or quality teaching? Eighth grade social studies teachers’ professional characteristics and classroom instruction as predictors of U.S. history achievement. RMLE Online, 41:9, 1-17, DOI: 10.1080/19404476.2018.1514826
Heafner, T. L., & Norwood, J. (2018). An elementary social studies teacher’s quest to develop democratic citizens: The boundaries of ambitious teaching. Journal of Social Studies Research, 1-12.
Heafner, T. L. (2018). Elementary ELA/social studies integration: Challenges and limitations. The Social Studies, 1-12.
Heafner, T.L., Triplett, N., Handler, L., & Massey, D. (2018). Situated word learning: Words of the Year (WsOY) and social studies inquiry. Theory and Research in Social Education, 1-39.
Heafner, T. L., & Fitchett, P. G. (2018). Incorporating Item Response Theory (IRT) to predict US history content knowledge. Journal of Social Education Research, 42(1), 11-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jssr.2017.01.001
Heafner, T. L. (2018). More time for social studies?: Examining the promise of school reform. Journal of Social Studies Research, 42(3), 229-237.
Heafner, T. L. (2017). Reading as a tool of thinking and learning in social studies. Social Studies Journal, 37(2), 6-22. Available: http://pcssonline.org/wp content/uploads/2017/11/SSJFall17Updated.pdf.
Byker, E., Coffey, H., Harden, S., Good, A. Heafner, T., Brown, K., & Holzberg, D. (2017). Hoping to teach someday? Inquire within: Examining inquiry-based learning with first-semester undergraduates. Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education, 8(2), 54-80.
Fitchett, P. G., Heafner, T. L., & Lambert, R. (2017). An analysis of predictors of history content knowledge: Implications for policy and practice. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25(65), 1-29.
Heafner, T. L., & Fitchett, P. G. (2017). Incorporating Item Response Theory (IRT) to predict US history content knowledge. Journal of Social Education Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jssr.2017.01.001
Heafner, T.L., Triplett, N., Handler, L., & Massey, D. (2017). Situated word learning: Words of the Year (WsOY) and social studies inquiry. Theory and Research in Social Education, 1-39.
Massey, D. D., & Heafner, T. L. (2017). Beginning inquiry: Short texts for inexperienced readers in U.S. History. Culver City, CA: Social Studies School Services.
Coffey, H., Webster, N., & Heafner, T. (2016). “Labels don’t define a school!”: Developing justice-oriented teaching dispositions through service-learning opportunities. Submitted to International Journal for Research in Service-Learning in Teacher Education, 4, 1-16.
Fitchett, P. G., Heafner, T. L., & Harden, S. B. (2016). Characteristics and working conditions of moonlighting teachers: Evidence from the 2011-2012 schools and staffing survey. Current Issues in Education, 19(1).
Heafner, T. L., & Massey, D. M. (2016). Initiating inquiry: Using texts and curiosity to inspire readers. Social Education, 80(6), 333-342.
Heafner, T. L., & Petty, T. M. (2016). Using edTPA to compare online and face to face teacher preparation programs. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE), 24(2), 153-186.
Heafner, T. L., & Plaisance, M. P. (2016). Exploring how institutional structures and practices influence English learners’ opportunity to learn social studies. Teachers College Record, 118(8), p. 1-36.
Heafner, T. L., & Plaisance, M. (2016). Rethinking clinical experiences for social studies teacher education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 4(16).
Heafner, T. L., & Fitchett, P. G. (2015). Principals’ and teachers’ reports of instructional time allocations in third grade. Journal of International Social Studies, 5(1), 64-80.
Heafner, T. L., & Fitchett, P. G. (2015). An opportunity to learn US history: What NAEP data suggest regarding the opportunity gap. The High School Journal, 98(3), 226-249.
Petty, T. M., Heafner, T. L., Farinde, A., & Plaisance, M. P. (2015). Windows into teaching and learning: Professional growth of classroom teachers in an online environment. Technology, Pedagogy, and Education, 1-14.
Fitchett, P. G., Heafner, T. L., & Lambert, R. (2014). Examining social studies marginalization: A multilevel analysis. Educational Policy, 28(1), 40-68.
Fitchett, P., Heafner, T. L., & Lambert, R. (2014). Social studies under siege: Examining policy and teacher-level factors associated with elementary social studies marginalization. Teacher’s College Record, 116, 1-34.
Groce, E., Bellows, M. E., McClure, G., Daigle, E., Heafner, T., & Fox, B. (2014). Is Rosa still tired?: Revisiting Kohl’s myths in contemporary picture books. American Education History Journal, 41(2), 425-443.
Heafner, T. L., Lipscomb, G. B., & Fitchett, P. G. (2014). Instructional practices of elementary social studies teachers in North and South Carolina. Journal of Social Studies Research, 38, 15-31.
Heafner, T., McIntyre, E., & Spooner, M. (2014). The CAEP standards and research on eduCator preparation programs: Linking clinical partnerships with program impact. Peabody Journal of Education: Issues of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations, 89(4), 516-532.
Heafner, T. L., & Plaisance, M. (2014). Exploring synchronous text chat in remotely-delivered early field experiences. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 25(3), 327-352.
Zakas, T., Browder, D. M., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L, & Heafner, T. (2013). Teaching social studies content to students with autism using a graphic organizer intervention. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7(9), 1075-1086.
Fitchett, P., Heafner, T. L., & Lambert, R. (2012). Examining elementary social studies marginalization: A multilevel model. Educational Policy, XX(X), 1-29.
Heafner, T. L., & Fitchett, P. G. (2012). National trends in elementary instruction: Exploring the role of social studies curricula. The Social Studies, 103, 67-72.
Heafner, T. L., & Massey, D. D. (2012). Targeted vocabulary strategies for secondary social studies. Culver City, CA: Social Studies School Services.
Heafner, T. L., Petty, T., & Hartshorne, R. (2012). University supervisor perspectives of the remote observation of graduate interns. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 24(3), 143-163.
Hartshorne, R., Heafner, T., & Petty, T. (2011). Examining the effectiveness of the remote observation of graduate interns. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 19(4), 395-422.
Heafner, T. L. (2011). Civic engagement in teacher education: A commitment to democratic ideals. Teacher Education and Practice, 24(3), 340-342.
Heafner, T. L., Petty, T. M., & Hartshorne, R. (2011). Evaluating modes of teacher preparation: A comparison of face-to-face and remote observations of graduate interns. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 27(4), 154–164.