K-12 Arts Education

The College of Arts + Architecture offers the following pathways to licensure in K-12 Arts Education in partnership with the Cato College of Education.

Undergraduate degrees leading to initial licensure

BFA in Art with a concentration in Art Education
BA in Dance with a concentration in Dance Education
BM with a concentration in Choral/General Music Education
BM with a concentration in Instrumental/General Music Education
BA in Theatre with a concentration in Theatre Education

The dance and theatre degrees leading to licensure are open enrollment and can be declared fall or spring by any student admitted to the university. An audition is required to pursue music education in fall or spring and a spring portfolio required to pursue art education in fall. Pedagogy and performance are emphasized throughout coursework while small class size allows for personalized instruction. Each arts education license is for grades K-12. Due to course sequencing, students are strongly recommended to contact Dr. Adam Myers for advising as soon as possible.

More details can be found by visiting the College of Arts + Architecture.

Graduate Certificate leading to initial licensure

This fully online program leads to licensure in K-12 Visual Art. It is designed for those who have already earned a degree in Studio Art, have 24 credits in Studio Art, or have passed Praxis II Art: Content and Analysis. The grad cert consists of 16 graduate credit hours plus any deficiencies in background studio. Coursework is offered synchronously and asynchronously to accommodate those working in and out of the classroom. To apply, submit an application to the graduate school including a portfolio of 12 original artworks. The application deadline is August 1 join the next fall cohort and December 1 to join the spring cohort. Cohorts are intentionally small so it is recommended you apply as the program may fill in advance of the deadline.

To learn more, please contact

Courtney Mervine (Arts Education Specialist)

