Graduate Certificate Programs and M.A.T Programs

Our new streamlined model combines online or hybrid courses and focused clinical training to deliver an affordable, engaging academic experience. Under this model, students gain licensure in as few as three semesters.
Our Graduate Certificate program offers an efficient pathway to initial teacher licensure for candidates who have already earned a bachelor’s degree and it meets the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) enrollment requirement for candidates seeking Residency Licensure. Course instruction is delivered online and, in most concentrations, is paired with face-to-face clinical labs that meet on UNC Charlotte’s campus or at school sites in the area.
Students who earn the Graduate Certificate may take a second set of courses to earn a Master of Arts in Teaching and the subject expertise and opportunities that comes with it.
Middle Grades and Secondary Education
Teaching English as a Second Language
For additional information on the program, admission requirements, and application process, click here!