M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction: Concentrations in Middle or Secondary Education

As an experienced teacher, you are constantly looking for innovative methods to help your students achieve their potential and to support your school in flourishing as a learning environment. If you want to be a teacher leader, the person who can be the change agent in your school or district, the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction: Middle Grades or Secondary Education program, will put you on the path toward your goal. These strands in the program are designed for experienced, licensed, practicing middle and high school teachers who want the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills through an accessible and flexible online education program.
This 30-hour M.Ed. program is based on a candidate’s initial license in a core field. It is composed of two strands (middle grades or secondary) that concentrate on developing knowledgeable, effective, reflective and responsive practitioners who will become leaders in the profession. Areas of study include educational research methodology, curriculum theory, analysis of teaching, advanced methodology, and curriculum development, including the application of technology in teaching. In addition, the program includes advanced coursework in the candidate’s initial-licensure area (i.e., English language arts, social studies or history, mathematics and sciences). Courses are also appropriate for teacher licensure renewal or individual professional growth. Successful completion of this program leads to “M” level (Master’s/Advanced Competencies) license.
Why choose the UNC Charlotte M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction (MIddle/secondary education)?
Our faculty are award-winning leaders who conduct cutting-edge research, consult with schools and agencies to promote adoption of research-based best practices and provide close guidance and mentoring to our students. Our professors bring their expertise into the classroom to prepare quality professionals who are lifelong learners and exceptional leaders.
Classes include both middle and secondary school teachers, a mix that generates broad discussions and fosters joint research. Fellow candidates become a resource to help you analyze issues, work together to develop solutions and ultimately become part of a growing professional network.
Coursework is offered in two formats – totally online or in a cohort format, which is delivered partially online and partially face-to-face (seating limited). Every course is taught by full-time faculty who are committed to the success of our students.
The fully online program provides flexibility so you can study at your own pace and balance your education with work, family and other commitments.
An innovative cohort model, a combination of online and onsite classes, is often offered in a school district. In this delivery format, half the courses are offered online while the other half are offered onsite. The program is tailored to the needs of the local teachers, and professors travel to this site to deliver classes.
All programs are accredited by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) and CAEP. The following graduate programs have been nationally recognized and nationally accredited:
Middle Grades Education through the National Middle School Association (NSMA).
Social Studies Education programs through the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS).
The University is consistently ranked among the top ten universities in the Southeastern USA, offering a wide range of resources and opportunities to help graduate students succeed.
Career Options
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of middle school and secondary school teachers is projected to grow eight percent from 2016 to 2026. Rising student enrollment should increase demand for both middle and high school teachers. From 2016 to 2026, a significant number of older teachers will reach retirement age, which will create job openings. Some of the areas graduates may pursue include the following:
Graduates from this program will be highly qualified to apply for a doctoral program which prepares them for leadership positions within their school or district. Some students who complete a doctorate pursue careers as instructors at community colleges or four-year institutions.
Student Opportunities
The Office of Teacher Education Advising and Licensure (TEAL) is an information and student success resource for current and potential teacher candidates. Their staff provides a variety of services such as: information on (and preparation resources for) testing required for program admission and teacher licensure, verification of program completion for teacher licensure, guidance surrounding the teacher licensure application process, and information on campus resources and scholarships/loans for education students.
The Office of Field Experiences provides support services to our students for school-based clinical experiences and during yearlong internships and student teaching. Field experiences – observing, interacting with, and teaching children and youth – are a critical part of all teacher education programs at UNC Charlotte. These field experiences continue throughout a candidate’s program and culminate in a 15-week, full-time student teaching experience after completion of all other course work.
The Center for Graduate Life provides the support and sense of community students need to meet the challenges they will face throughout their graduate experience. The Center offers workshops on topics like grant writing, presentation skills, publishing in scholarly journals, and understanding the academic job search. Virtual workshops are available online on subjects such as graduate academic writing and research writing at the graduate level.
The University Career Center provides services, programs, and support for students and alumni. Services include such options as an Education Career Fair held each spring semester, individual appointments with career advisors and the Hire-A-Niner online job and internship database. Southern Teachers Agency is a free placement service that helps recent graduates in their search for education jobs in PK-12 private and independent schools around the South.
Student Successes
We expect our students to develop skills as grant writers. Many of our students have submitted proposals to fund projects in their classroom or school. Click here to see a list of grantee awards for graduate students in the M.Ed. and M.A.T. programs for the Department of Middle, Secondary, and K-12 Education.
Learn from expert faculty
Our professors have been recognized repeatedly for their teaching, research, student mentoring and contributions to their profession. They have garnered numerous recognitions, including the designation as a Distinguished Professor for UNC Charlotte, a Fulbright Fellow to Guatemala, and as an English Language Specialist for The U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Still other professors have served as President of the North Carolina Professors of Social Studies Education (NCPSSE), President of the North Carolina Professors of Middle Level Education (NCPoMLE) and as a member of the Executive Board of the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies.
All tenure-track faculty conduct research and are widely published in their field. Faculty have authored articles that have appeared in top-tier journals such as TESOL Journal, Bilingual Research Journal, The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, The Peabody Journal of Education, The Journal of Basic Writing, Community College Review, and Middle School Journal. Other faculty offer their expertise by consulting with local schools and organizations such as the College Board and Lilly Endowment.
Do you want to be that change agent in your classroom, school and community? If so, click here to learn more about the requirements for the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, graduate student financial aid and the graduate application process.
Graduate Program Director (MED, C & I Program)
Dr. Heather Coffey
Email: hcoffey@Charlotte.edu